Sonus Interactive

Section 3 - Punch Up
Global variables
Loading and playing audio
Creating and destroying objects

Our next project is something closer to what can be considered a game than the last project. We will make a small game where the user can press a button to punch an opponent, but must use another button to block when they hear an attack coming. The audio for this tutorial can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

If we already have a project open then we can use the "alt" key to access the file menu and press down to select new project and save it in a location of your choosing. this will clear all your current data so make sure your project is saved if you want to keep it before starting a new one.
With a new project open, we will make a global variable to keep track of if the player is blocking or not and we will create two objects which will be the player and the opponent.

First lets setup the global variable we need, use the "alt" key to get to the file menu strip at the top of the program if you aren't there already. Use the right arrow key to navigate to the "Edit" menu and press down to scroll through its contents. "Global Variables" should be the first option in the list. hit enter and it will open up a global variable editor window. The first selected control will be the list of global variables which at the moment will be empty. Keep tabbing until you get to the "New Variable" button. You will notice along the way there is a drop down box for categories and buttons to create and delete categories. Categories are where we can store global variables for better organisation but we wont get into that in this tutorial, for now just tab past them. When you press the "New Variable" button a window will pop up where you can enter a name and a starting value. I will call my Variable "Is Blocking" and the value will be 0, it will change to a 1 when the player presses the block button and return to 0 when they let it go. we will achieve this in the “Player” game object events we haven't created yet. Leave the category option as None and tab to submit and hit enter. We have now created a new global variable. Global variables can never be destroyed and will exist as long as the game is running. Now we are back to the variable editor window, tab to the close button so we return to the main window of the program and lets create our player and opponent next.

Tab to the game object tree and use shift + F10 to bring up the tree options, then use the arrow keys to scroll down to "Add Game Object". The name will be the first text field selected. I'm going to call mine "Player". The next options we tab through are the X,Y,Z,BX,BY,BZ,Delay and Loop Audio options, all of these can be left as they are. We also don't want to set any variables for this object either so the variable button can be tabbed past. Tab to event combo box list and select Creation, which should already be selected as its the top of the list. Then select the add action button and hit enter. We are going to load in the audio we need for the game in the players creation event. Audio used in the Sonus must be in the .ogg format and must be loaded into the consoles memory before it can be played. The actions related to audio are, Load Audio to load in a file into memory and give it a name that we can reference, Play Audio which plays the file using its reference name,Stop audio which stops any audio the object is playing, pause and resume audio, unload all audio which will clear the memory of all loaded audio and increase,decrease and set audio volume. As well as the play audio action there is also a play positional audio action, which plays audio like the play audio action but it plays it relative to a listeners position, meaning 3D environments can be made, which we will cover in later tutorials. Game objects can only play one audio file at a time and up to 16 game objects can play individual audio files simultaneously.

Tab to the add action button and hit enter. The new action window will open with the"Apply To" section as the first thing you are focused on, this is where you can select "Self","Other" or "Loop Object". Ensure "Self" is selected to make this the object that loads the audio and then tab to the action drop down list and find the "Load Audio" action. There will be a "New Sound" text field and a "Directory" text field that you can then tab to. The "New Sound" Text field will be the name we will give the loaded audio object. I will call mine "Player Punch". I can then tab to the browse button which will allow me to navigate my computer to find the actual .ogg audio file. When you click this option you will open a browsing window and the filename text field will be highlighted, tab until you reach the tree view which will list all the folders in your computer.

Please ensure that all audio loaded is within the same folder as your project or in a subfolder, the G D E  will give you an error if you try to load an audio file that is not it the project files folder. This means if you desire to share a project you can simply copy the whole folder for somebody else to open on their computer.

find the folder that contains the audio you downloaded from this page and press enter, you can then use tab again to select the list of files inside the folder. Scroll through the folder using the arrow keys until you find the Player Punch.ogg file. Press enter and it will bring you back to the add action window with the directory filled in. Now we can tab to the submit button and we have created our first loaded audio.

Repeat this process for the other audio files. You will need to create a sound called Player Hurt and use the "Player Hurt.ogg" file, and you will need to create "Enemy Punch" and use the "Enemy Punch.ogg" file.

Afterwards we should have a Player game object with 3 load audio actions in its creation event.

Now go to the button 2 press event, we will make it so when the player presses the button 2 it will set the Is Blocking variable to one, and when the button 2 is released it will return the variable back to 0.In the button 2 pressed event add a new action, select the “set global variable” action. You will need to fill in the variable and the value you wish it to be set to, so we want to input "Is Blocking" and the value needs to be 1. Then click submit.
We can now go to button 2 release event and do the opposite, create an action to set the global variable back to 0 using the same method.

Now we can identify when a player is blocking by using a global variable. Next lets go to the button 1 press event and add an action.

Go back to the event drop down list and select button 1 pressed, then click add action again. Add a condition begin action so we can make it so the player cannot attack while they are defending. After selecting the condition begin action from the action list you will then tab to the condition settings next, the first setting is the Variable combo box list, this allows us to select if the variable we are checking is a Local variable, a Global Variable, or a constant number by selecting rather L,G or C from the list. We will learn more about the Col option in later tutorials. Select G so the condition will check for a global variable and then tab to input the variable name, which is "Is Blocking". Tabbing again will take you to the operator list, we want to check if the variable is equal to 0, which means the player is not blocking. Select the "==" option. tab again to select the variable we will check against. In this instance we are checking if the Is Blocking variable equal to 0, and 0 is a constant value. So select the C option and input the number 0. We can now submit the condition begin. Next add the play audio action. There are two text fields to enter, one is the name of the audio you want to play, which in our case is Player Punch, the other is the volume you want the object to play it at. The value can be between 0 and 1. so 0 is silent, 1 is full volume and 0.5 is half way. lets put a 1 in this text field and tab to submit. Now we just need to add a condition end action which has no parameters to fill in, simply select it in the list and click submit. In the event action list ensure the action order is correct and use the move action buttons up and down if not, the condition begin and condition end need to have the play audio action between then to specify that action is in the condition block and the condition must be met before it will play. If that is correct then now every time the button 1 is pressed we will hear this audio play.

Now we have completed our Player object and can submit it. After submitting the object select it in the game object tree and bring up its menu with shift + F10. Select "Set As Init Object" and hit enter. This tells the Sonus that this is the first object to load. Although we create objects in the G D E environment they are not created when the game is running, we are creating the blueprints that the in-game objects will use to create themselves. In-Game game objects are created using the create object action, but the game must start with one object already created, this object is called the initial object or Init object for short. Player will be our Init Object and we will eventually add a create object action in its creation event to create our opponent object, but we must make the blueprint first.

Now add another game object to the tree. This game object will be the players opponent that will periodically attack. Give it the name "Enemy" and then tab past X,Y,Z,BX,BY and BZ until you reach the delay text field. This text field is where we can input a number to determine how many seconds need to pass before the object fires its periodical event. This is an event that will constantly loop every so often, if the delay is set to 0 the event wont ever fire, but if for example it was set to 5, the periodical event would fire every 5 seconds. lets input 10 and then tab to the event drop down list and select periodical. Add a new action and select the Play Audio action. Input "Enemy Punch" in the sound text field and input "1" in the volume text field. Now every ten seconds this game object will play the enemy punch audio.

So now we have our player who can block and attack, and an opponent that will attack every 10 seconds. We now need to distinguish if the player is blocking when the enemy attacks and play the "Player Hurt" sound if they aren't.
Go to the Audio Finished event in the event combo box, which is the event that will fire after the Enemy Punch audio has finished. In this event we will check if the player is blocking and if not then create a new object whose only purpose is to play the "Player Hurt" audio then destroy itself. So add a new action to the audio finished event, make it a condition begin and check if the Global Variable "Is Blocking" is not 1. Next add a create object action. We haven't created the blueprint for the game object we wish to create yet but we will name it "Player Damaged", so add the create object action and input the name "Player Damaged" into the text field and then submit. Now add an Condition End.

Now we need to create the blueprint for the “Player Damaged” game object we were just referring to. Submit our new Enemy object and then go back to the game object tree and add another game object. Call this one "Player Damaged" and add an action to its creation event. The action we want to add is Play Audio for the Player Hurt sound. Next go to the Audio Finished event and add a destroy self action, so the object will play the audio when its created and then destroy itself when it is finished.

The last thing we need to do now is return to our Init Object which was “Player”. Find it in the object tree, once it is selected use the tab button to scroll through its properties. Tab to the event combobox and ensure creation is selected. Add a new action. Add a create object action and input the name “Enemy”, then click submit. This means that as soon as the game starts the Init Object will runs its creation event and create our opponent.

So to recap. We have 3 Game Object. A player, An enemy and an object to act as a single fire sound effect. the Player object allows the user to play an attack sound effect and also can block. The opponent will periodically attack and if the player isnt blocking when the opponent attacks then the Player Damaged object will get created to play the player hurt sound effect.

We should be able to use the alt key to enter then top menu and press right until your find the run option so you can test your game.

Player Punch   Player Hurt   Enemy Punch